1292: Let's tackle that annoying part of the week
We all have a part of the week we dread and wish could be better. So today, we're doing something about it!
Episode transcript:
Good morning, Daily Peppers, and a very happy Wednesday to you, and a very happy hump day to you. So round about the middle of the week, we tend to think about how the week's been going so far. And usually, what's frustrating us about the week. And, also, it can be how much we're looking forward to Friday being here already. So I thought we'd do something fun this Wednesday and really get specific about a part of the week that you would like to change. So I think for all of us, we tend to have one part of the week where if we could tweak it slightly, our whole week would be much better. And for me, that is Sunday evenings. In an ideal world, I would spend at least part of a Sunday evening actually resting, filling my cup, and not feeling seriously behind.
But part of the issue is when we frame things in the context of in an ideal world, we are already convincing ourselves that that can never happen. So on the Sunday just gone, I sat down and actually got curious about it. What would it take for that to be true? What are things that I can do maybe the day before or during the week that would really safeguard that time and that could possibly mean that I start Monday feeling less bedraggled and more rested and way less overwhelmed. So for me, this looked like sitting down and figuring out, okay, what is it about a Sunday evening? What are the tasks that I put off? What are the things that I basically spend all day Sunday putting off until the last minute? That just piss me off in the evening. Now I realized two things. Number one is that I have to do these things anyway, and they always get done. And number two is that it wouldn't require a ginormous amount of effort on my part just to do those things at a slightly different time. But the benefits themselves would be absolutely enormous.
So I invite you to really think about your own life and think about a particular point in the week that really frustrates you or a point in your week where you would really, really benefit from a little bit more time or space. Now I know this isn't easy. I know we all have pretty complicated lives, and also that managing our calendars can be similar to solving a really complicated maths equation. But I also know that our brains are hardwired for creativity and problem solving. And while it might not be the perfect solution, and also we're not looking for perfect here, If we can make that part of your week that you dread even 40% better, future you would be so grateful for it. So as I've been sharing my own frustrations and my own kind of rethinking of Sunday nights, you've probably been thinking about a particular part of your week too. And I really encourage you just to kinda noodle on it and also not to dismiss the things that you wish existed in an ideal world, Not to use them as something that's never gonna happen, but perhaps use them as inspiration in terms of how can you infuse your life with those different things. Because we all deserve a creative and fulfilling life that we love.
And a huge part of that is showing up for ourselves and putting ourselves back on the list. And we get to do that, and we all have permission to do it imperfectly. So get thinking, and here's to that shitty part of your week feeling 40% better and reclaiming the week. Happy hump day, and I'll see you tomorrow.
Transcription provided by Castmagic.io
A short, snappy and sassy daily podcast to keep your internal - and external - dreamshitters at bay!
The Daily Pep! is the rebel-rousing, daily podcast for couragemakers, creative, multi-passionate and unconventional women.
If you’re surrounded by people who don’t get who you are or what you do, if you want reminders you’re on the right path (no matter how scary it feels), or you’re sick of being your very own worst enemy, this is the podcast for you.
Every weekday, your host - writer, coach and professional rebel-rouser - Meg Kissack helps you build a creative and wholehearted life, one day at a time. Through short and snappy insights, reminders and stories, The Daily Pep! is here to remind you you’re not alone, and that everything changes when you believe you matter. Each episode is short and snappy, designed to fit in with (or help you start) your habits and routines