voxer Meg Kissack voxer Meg Kissack

Meaghan Gallant

“This has been one of THE hands down best, most insanely helpful things I've done with someone for my business. And I ABSOLUTELY would, and will, do another. The takeaway was far bigger and more impactful than I even knew it would be - than I imagined it even could be. I didn't even *know* how much I needed this. I'm renergized, reignited, refueled. I STILL look back to all my notes from our time together. Meg’s encouragement and affirmation of my ideas is *still* in my head pushing me forward. She even set a great example/reminder of the idea to action process like.... "okay here's the ideas and brain vomit... now, take a step back, what actions need to be taken with this?" I am SO much better at this since our day and again this is MASSIVE. I am getting more done than I have in yearssss.”


strategist, copy writer

“This has been one of THE hands down best, most insanely helpful things I've done with someone for my business. And I ABSOLUTELY would, and will, do another. The takeaway was far bigger and more impactful than I even knew it would be - than I imagined it even could be. I didn't even *know* how much I needed this. I'm renergized, reignited, refueled. I STILL look back to all my notes from our time together. Meg’s encouragement and affirmation of my ideas is *still* in my head pushing me forward. She even set a great example/reminder of the idea to action process like.... "okay here's the ideas and brain vomit... now, take a step back, what actions need to be taken with this?" I am SO much better at this since our day and again this is MASSIVE. I am getting more done than I have in yearssss.” - Meaghan Gallant

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voxer, coaching 2 Meg Kissack voxer, coaching 2 Meg Kissack

Kate Duterra

“Before working with Meg I was really struggling with the shame and perfectionism around starting and stopping, “failing” so many times. After working with Meg, I now feel free of that ridiculous “truth” about myself that I was lugging around — that past failures or unmet goals meant that I was incapable and would never finish anything. I honestly feel so much lighter in my soul, knowing now that I can start over again as many times as it takes, and that what it actually means is that I’m committed to continue trying over and over again, not that I keep stopping. It now feels possible that I am actually going to start taking steps forward on what I want to do with my life, instead of being stuck following a particular path just because that’s what I see so many other people doing, even other creative people. There is no one way, and I feel like I have new fire under me to just do what feels right to me, even if it’s not the thing I see everyone else doing. I feel empowered to go out there and just take the next first step and I have a ton of great tangible ideas rolling around in my brain that are inspiring what that next action is going to be.I loved being able to ask Meg questions as they came up for me, and get outside perspective on different ways I could approach my goals. I feel empowered to go out and do MY thing. The weight of the weird shame around “failing” in this writing thing all my life is like, totally gone. I’ve been getting back to the 100 day project and I’ve missed days in between but I just keep going back to it and there is no longer any weird negative self-talk telling me that I’m just going to fail again so why bother. Meg was compassionate, open, asked lots of good questions, genuinely interested in me and what I needed and how we could best get me to where I wanted to be. The experience was amazingly helpful and motivating for me. The way she helped me to reframe things that I had known before but never really “got” have made a huge difference in my outlook and on the future of my creative projects and the creative career that I am making for myself.” -



“It now feels possible that I am actually going to start taking steps forward on what I want to do with my life, instead of being stuck following a particular path just because that’s what I see so many other people doing, even other creative people. ”

“Before working with Meg I was really struggling with the shame and perfectionism around starting and stopping, “failing” so many times. It was making it hard to pick up and keep going when I had this voice in the back of my head that said, why bother, you’ll just stop again and quit/fail like you’ve done every time before. All of that was leading me to feel stuck and frustrated because I wanted to do this creative thing but I was holding myself back.

After working with Meg, I now feel free of that ridiculous “truth” about myself that I was lugging around — that past failures or unmet goals meant that I was incapable and would never finish anything. I honestly feel so much lighter in my soul, knowing now that I can start over again as many times as it takes, and that what it actually means is that I’m committed to continue trying over and over again, not that I keep stopping. Somehow that re-frame stuck with me, and it has made a huge difference.

I feel empowered to go out there and just take the next first step and I have a ton of great tangible ideas rolling around in my brain that are inspiring what that next action is going to be. It now feels possible that I am actually going to DO something this year, that I am going to live up to my promises to myself and start taking steps forward on what I want to do with my life, instead of being stuck following a particular path just because that’s what I see so many other people doing, even other creative people. There is no one way, and I feel like I have new fire under me to just do what feels right to me, even if it’s not the thing I see everyone else doing.

I loved being able to ask Meg questions as they came up for me, and get outside perspective on different ways I could approach my goals. I feel empowered to go out and do MY thing. The weight of the weird shame around “failing” in this writing thing all my life is like, totally gone. I’ve been getting back to the 100 day project and I’ve missed days in between but I just keep going back to it and there is no longer any weird negative self-talk telling me that I’m just going to fail again so why bother. Meg was compassionate, open, asked lots of good questions, genuinely interested in me and what I needed and how we could best get me to where I wanted to be

The experience was amazingly helpful and motivating for me. The way she helped me to reframe things that I had known before but never really “got” have made a huge difference in my outlook and on the future of my creative projects and the creative career that I am making for myself.”

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voxer, coaching 2 Meg Kissack voxer, coaching 2 Meg Kissack

Olu Niyi-Awosusi

“Before working with Meg I was stuck on how my passions and goals could come together as a cohesive whole, and also how I could monetise things beyond tech. I felt like the disparate parts of myself had to remain separate. I now feel like I have a plan and a direction, and it can encompass all the different parts of me.”

The thing I found the most helpful was the diagram Meg drew showing how things I care about overlap and intersect. Meg helped me look at my career and what i thought were "extra-curriculars" in a very different way. I liked that Meg obviously thought quite a lot about what points she wanted to cover before you asked questions, as well as exploring and changing course as things came up. I feel so much more excited and positive about the future, and I have a plan.”


web developer, social justice activist, podcaster

I felt like the disparate parts of myself had to remain separate. I now feel like I have a plan and a direction, and it can encompass all the different parts of me. ”

“Before working with Meg I was stuck on how my passions and goals could come together as a cohesive whole, and also how I could monetise things beyond tech. I felt like the disparate parts of myself had to remain separate. I now feel like I have a plan and a direction, and it can encompass all the different parts of me. It now feels possible to monetise my interests beyond my day job, bringing everything under one personal brand.

The thing I found the most helpful was the diagram Meg drew showing how things I care about overlap and intersect. Meg helped me look at my career and what i thought were "extra-curriculars" in a very different way. I feel so much more excited and positive about the future, and I have a plan.”

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voxer, home testimonial slider Meg Kissack voxer, home testimonial slider Meg Kissack

Lorraine Fiander

“You know all that negative self talk you have in your head? Well, imagine having someone who can tell it to shut up and give you real alternatives, with back up exercises to do! Before working together, I was despairing of ever getting anything creative ever made again. Meg enabled me to unpick a whole knitting bag of tangles that have prevented me moving forward with my little business. She had such clarity, shining a light on it all, so that I could break down an unsurmountable issue into small tasks and get on with it! Moving forward I can ABSOLUTELY see a way ahead that is manageable. If you’re considering working with Meg DO IT! It's uncanny the way that Meg can unearth the truths that you think you're cleverly hiding behind that door in your head. It's almost as if she's in there with a torch!”



“You know all that negative self talk you have in your head? Well, imagine having someone who can tell it to shut up and give you real alternatives, with back up exercises to do!”

“Before working together, I was despairing of ever getting anything creative ever made again. Meg enabled me to unpick a whole knitting bag of tangles that have prevented me moving forward with my little business.

She had such clarity, shining a light on it all, so that I could break down an unsurmountable issue into small tasks and get on with it! Moving forward I can ABSOLUTELY see a way ahead that is manageable. I have started to get myself organised to start making bags again in a way that is manageable and sustainable for me. It was really useful working in a way that was good for me - that Meg asked me what was best for me beforehand rather than trying to cram me into a coaching square hole when I'm a slightly oval block!

If you’re considering working with Meg DO IT! It's uncanny the way that Meg can unearth the truths that you think you're cleverly hiding behind that door in your head. It's almost as if she's in there with a torch!”

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voxer Meg Kissack voxer Meg Kissack

Susie Bell

“Meg sparked something inside of me - something that was there but that I had pushed down through fear recently. She is compassionate, perceptive, articulate, enthusiastic and she has a great way of reframing things to get around blocks. Meg made me feel safe and seen right from the beginning - and I needed that. I trusted her very early on. I LOVED our Day of Voxer together, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Before our work together I was feeling stuck, trapped by fear - particularly of being seen. I was taking baby steps with my business but something was holding me back from taking any leaps! Now I feel motivated, courageous, ALIVE!!! I also feel proud of the progress we made - and I have made since.”


self-love body confidence coach

“Meg sparked something inside of me - something that was there but that I had pushed down through fear recently. She is compassionate, perceptive, articulate, enthusiastic and she has a great way of reframing things to get around blocks. Meg made me feel safe and seen right from the beginning - and I needed that. I trusted her very early on. “I LOVED working with Meg - I thoroughly enjoyed it.

“I felt really seen and heard and I felt that she 'got me' very quickly. I felt like she was on my side right from the beginning. Before our work together I was feeling stuck, trapped by fear - particularly of being seen. I was taking baby steps with my business but something was holding me back from taking any leaps! Now I feel motivated, courageous, ALIVE!!! I also feel proud of the progress we made - and I have made since. Meg sparked something inside of me - something that was there but that I had pushed down through fear recently.”

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