1299: Put your needs on the table

Today we're taking a pause to consider our needs and how we can meet them this weekend and go into Monday with a fuller cup!


Episode transcript:

Good morning, Daily Peppers, and a very happy Friday to you. We made it. And one of the things we tend to not do at the end of the week is look at how far we've come. I know from my own experience of being myself and also working with hundreds of creative, multi passionate women that we tend to do something, finish something, and immediately move on to the next thing. We don't tend to take the time to appreciate and celebrate what we've done. We're already looking towards a new shiny thing without paying much attention to the time and the energy and the sheer effort that went into doing the thing. Now when I'm talking about doing the thing, I'm not necessarily talking about finishing some huge project. I'm talking about all the things that we finish on a regular basis. So that could be like, for example, today finishing the week. It can also be having that hard conversation, sending that difficult email.

It can be returning to a project, and it can be a billion of different small things. It can often be hard for us to recognize that we finished anything or to be proud of ourselves, So let me put it in a different way. What are you really glad that's over? What is something that you've dealt with lately that you are really glad is behind you? Or what is something that felt really good to get off your list? So I invite you to press pause and note down a couple of things or to think about it as you go about your day to day and find a way to really acknowledge it and celebrate it. That could be as simple as sharing it with somebody else. It could look like taking yourself out for coffee and cake, or it can simply feel like that little sparkle and that little buzz of getting something done. What I'm trying to say is give yourself that gift. Let yourself appreciate what you have done just for a little moment. Because what tends to happen otherwise is that we go from thing to thing to thing, and life just feels like a big chore.

We don't feel like we're getting anywhere. It feels really frustrating. It feels really unsatisfying. We end up feeling exhausted and beating ourselves up. And we live in this narrative of ourselves where we're never getting anything done, things always feel hard. And we're completely ignoring the fact that this very true story exists, that we are people that get shit done, we do show up for ourselves, and we have a lot to be proud of. So take the time for yourself today. Let's flip the narrative and tell ourselves a much truer story, and let's acknowledge our wins because, honestly, hand on my heart, you have wins to celebrate.

Happy Friday, my loves. We made it. I can't wait to be back with you in your inbox on Sunday if you're part of my letters of rebellion community, and you can find out more about how to join that by going to the rebelrousers.com/letters or back in your fabulous ears on Monday morning. Take impeccable care of yourself this weekend, and remember as always that everything changes when you believe you matter.

Episode transcript produced by Castmagic.io



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New episodes air every Monday - Friday 6AM GMT

A short, snappy and sassy daily podcast to keep your internal - and external - dreamshitters at bay!

The Daily Pep! is the rebel-rousing, daily podcast for couragemakers, creative, multi-passionate and unconventional women. If you’re surrounded by people who don’t get who you are or what you do, if you want reminders you’re on the right path (no matter how scary it feels), or you’re sick of being your very own worst enemy, this is the podcast for you.

Every weekday, your host - writer, coach and professional rebel-rouser - Meg Kissack helps you build a creative and wholehearted life, one day at a time. Through short and snappy insights, reminders and stories, The Daily Pep! is here to remind you you’re not alone, and that everything changes when you believe you matter. Each episode is short and snappy, designed to fit in with (or help you start) your habits and routines.



Meg Kissack

Hi, I’m Meg and I believe everything changes when you believe you matter!

I’m a coach, serial podcaster (The Couragemakers Podcast + The Daily Pep! Podcast) and all-round rebel-rouser for fiercely creative, wildly multi-passionate & fabulously weird women. I help them show up in the world as their most courageous and authentic selves, do the epic shit only they can do and make/leave the world a brighter place

📸 credit: Rachel Burt


1300: Where are you blooming?


1297: Assume they don’t know