Rebecca Thering

“If you're afraid you could be doing so much more to create the world in which you want to live but don't know what action to take, if you want to bring your full, genuine self into the world, Meg is absolutely the woman to work with.”

“Prior to working with Meg, I was feeling stuck—I knew I had potential and ideas to share that could make a positive impact, but I didn't know what sort of project to pursue. My previous ideas were feeling stale and I wasn't excited about them enough to fuel meaningful action.

I hadn't thought it was possible to wrap all of my interests/ideas into a single project, but Meg was able to look at the big picture, ask me questions that got to the essence of it all, and help me come up with an idea that encompasses my full self.

Now I feel so excited because now I can see the doors wide open and know exactly what small steps to take next to get everything rolling. I love that the idea we found will be able to grow and evolve along with me, as this is very important to me.

My favorite part of our work together was getting to idea bounce with someone who "gets" me. Meg is incredibly creative, so there aren't boxes limiting her ideas, plus she's so passionate about work/creations which make a positive impact.

I loved working with Meg -she exceeded all of my expectations. I especially liked that she recorded and emailed me the calls; I wouldn't have expected it to be as helpful as it was to listen again after some time had passed, but they were very valuable. I also liked how Meg allowed for some chit chat before the call. Again, this is something I hadn't even thought of, but believe it did help me relax and get more comfortable before the "official" session began.

If you feel like you have something positive to offer the world but don't exactly know what, if you're afraid you could be doing so much more to create the world in which you want to live but don't know what action to take, if you want to bring your full, genuine self into the world but could use some encouragement, Meg is absolutely the woman to work with.”


writer, artist, traveller, blogger, community builder

Meg Kissack

Hi, I’m Meg and I believe everything changes when you believe you matter!

I’m a coach, serial podcaster (The Couragemakers Podcast + The Daily Pep! Podcast) and all-round rebel-rouser for fiercely creative, wildly multi-passionate & fabulously weird women. I help them show up in the world as their most courageous and authentic selves, do the epic shit only they can do and make/leave the world a brighter place

📸 credit: Rachel Burt

Anna French


Kaite Welsh