184: Finding and living by your values with Clare Sutton
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episode summary
In this episode we chat about:
finding and living by your values
not settling
how your experiences lead to things
Clare's journey of finding what she wants to do
Clare's year of courage
leaps of faith and overhauling everything
Clare describes herself as a multipassionate human who is always looking for ways she can grow, develop and generally make the most of life. She is fascinated by people and strongly believes in the power of connection, community and creativity.
This has been a common thread through her career in the arts and in the charity sector where she has a background in volunteering, community engagement and client involvement. And she is now moving into coaching, specifically a people centred approach, strength based and founded in the belief that everyone is capable of using their unique strengths, wisdom and resources to make positive change.
As you’ll hear during the episode, she's going through a lot of big life changes and I am so excited to share our conversation. In it, we really dive into Clare’s view of courage and what led her to making decisions that really turned a lot of her life upside down. We talk about listening to our intuition, which wants more, when things might look really great on the outside and how we can choose to refuse to settle. Clare shares how so many of her life experiences, interests and passions have led her to a new phase in her life. And it is really fascinating to see all the jigsaw pieces coming together. And this is a great episode if you're not sure how everything's going to fit together, but you're hopeful that at some point it's all going to make sense and the breadcrumbs will really add up.
Clare also shares some really helpful tips and practical stuff around finding your values, making your values into actionable, things that you live by, and how she is creating a life aligned with her values. We dive into so much good stuff in this episode. I am so grateful to Clare for being so vulnerable and so honest in sharing her journey. I know you're going to get so much out of this episode!
about clare sutton:
I’m passionate about giving people a supported space where they are heard, are encouraged to think deeply and creatively, and to understand themselves and their actions better, to make positive change in their lives.
My coaching practice is people-centred, strengths-based and founded in the belief that everyone is capable of using their unique strengths, wisdom and resources to make positive change.
I am an experienced people management and development professional with a background in volunteering, community engagement and client involvement within the third sector. I am a trained teacher, experienced facilitator, and am hugely passionate about connection, collaboration and community.
connect with CLARE:
About Meg & The Couragemakers Podcast
📷 credit: Rachel Burt
I’m Meg and I’m the host of The Daily Pep! and The Couragemakers Podcast and founder of The Rebel Rousers. I’m a coach, writer and all-round rebel-rouser for creative and multi-passionate women to do the things only they can do and build a wholehearted life.
When I'm not recording episodes, writing bullshit-free Letters of Rebellion to my wonderful Rebel Rousers community or hosting workshops/group programmes, I'm usually covered in paint or walking my wonderfully weird cockapoo Merlin.
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